My Past Work
Here you'll find a selection of my previous experience and work for the stage and other theatre organizations, including performance and production experience.

Lone Star and Laundry and Bourbon
Spring 2017
This was one of the first performances I had in undergrad that I was truly proud of. Set in a back alley bar somewhere in Texas, Vietnam-era vet Roy Caulder has a night out drinking with his salt of the Earth brother Ray Caulder, in which he details some of his wildest dreams with his 1971 Thunderbird automobile, sexual hang-ups, and his hatred for the dastardly "Skeeter" Fullernoy. Having the chance to play the dim-witted Ray Caulder in this production further developed my skills as an actor working regularly with the Stanislavski and Meisner methods, as well as letting myself just have fun onstage.

Spotlight Operator for Hair
Summer 2018
This was one of my first professional experiences working outside of undergrad, and it was some of the most exhaustingly fun times I had! I worked as a general technician and was eventually moved into running spotlight operations for Hair: The Musical at Berkshire Theatre Group for a 5 week show run during their summer season of 2018.

The Insanity of Mary Girard: Stephen Girard (Performance)
Fall, 2018
While this certainly wasn't my first performance onstage, it was one of the performances I had felt like I had grown as both a performer and as a collaborative artist. Directed as a student production at the University of the Ozarks for a Senior Capstone in directing, this one act by Laine Robertson tells the story of Mary Girard, wife to the wealthy and historically noted philanthropic business magnate Stephen Girard. Robertson's telling of the story, however, centers more on Mary, and the very real historical possibility that her sentencing to an insane asylum could've been the result of Stephen deeming her to have "female hysteria", a known and tragically frequent occurrence that took place between married couples (almost entirely at the expense and suffering of a woman expressing any degree of disagreement with the husband or even expression of trauma stemming from any number of things). For this production, I had the unique challenge of bringing Stephen Girard to life, which required me to say and do incredibly vile things, but allowed me to grow as a result of going through that collaborative process with my director and designers.

Love's Labour Lost
Fall 2019
Performing Shakespeare is certainly a challenge, but performing Shakespearian comedy is almost entirely another. For the fall academic semester of 2019, I had the unique privilege of playing the minor, bumbling professor character of Nathaniel. This was by far one of my most physically demanding and fun roles I had during my time in undergrad, and the whole run of the show helped deepen my appreciation for the craft of acting in any of Shakespeare's work, as well as the careful attention and detail that goes into divulging his language and wit for modern audiences.

The Boy Who Couldn't Speak (Playwriting and Sound Design)
Fall 2019
The Boy Who Couldn't Speak was my senior thesis in Playwriting and Sound Design, which premiered at the University of the Ozarks on December 3rd, 2019. I wrote the play as an autobiographical piece, concerning a fictionalized version of myself through the form of John Dower, a young 20 something year old who is coping with dual diagnoses in Autism and ADHD. The catch is, however, Autism and ADHD are physical characters wearing masks, often luring John into harmful habits as well as helping him navigate the world around him in their own way. With the help of a Speech Pathologist that he sneaks in on, John builds a play within a play exploring his disabilities, identity, family life, and his worth as an artist. The premiere garnered a Meritorious Achievement in Playwriting, Production Design, and Support for a New Play from an ambassador for the Kennedy Center for American College Theatre Festival.

Extremities (Costume Design)
Spring 2020
The University of the Ozark Theatre's production of Extremities by William Matrosimone was the last design I was graciously privileged to work on before the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The play concerns a young woman named Marjorie and her encounter with a man who attempts to rape her in her own home, and the path of retribution she takes against him by torturing him and exacting revenge against him in her home. This provocative piece explores the brutality and traumatizing nature of sexual assault, how we deliberate justice, and how we cope with needless cruelty.

Production Apprentice in Lighting/Video/Audio/Recording
Summer 2021
My summer at the Brevard Music Center as a Production Apprentice in Lighting/Video/Audio/Recording was as varied as it sounds; it was an adventure getting to wake up every day to go to a new project/live entertainment venue! Throughout the summer, I would often swap between audio technology installations, setting up lighting plots for various venues across the campus, and getting to run cameras for live-streaming, recording, and promotional materials. I was even given the chance to prove myself as a camera switcher for several events, which gave me great experience in seeing live fades, logos, cross-fading, etc.
If you have any questions about any certifications, education, or training, please get in contact with me!