Stories by Ben Howard
Official Artist and Writer Portfolio
About Me

About Me
My name is Ben Howard
I'm a copywriter, playwright, filmmaker, voice actor, and all around golden disaster.
I currently live in NWA (short for Northwest Arkansas, no relation to Compton).
I'm an avid gamer, and am totally not addicted to Baldur's Gate 3, Jagged Alliance 3, and other future games that will suck me into a dark, timeless ether.
I also love to cycle, go on hikes, go to local bands' shows, and play DND (Dungeons and Dragons)with friends when we can find the time (which, if you've ever played DND, is hardly ever).
Basically, I live for being creative. I'm horrible at math (I actually feel my brain stutter when you tell me to multiply something off the top of my head), but I'm great at adapting my voice to whatever medium, brand, or project is before me. You can find the pieces of my portfolio on the other parts of my page. Nice to meet ya!